Two Life-Changing Verses to Remember Every Morning 

If you’re like me, when you wake up each day, you have to remember pretty much… everything.  

“Oh yeah. I’m conscious again. My name is… ‘Brant’? Yes, Brant. I am a bipedal hominid. I inhabit Earth.” 

Stuff like that. And then I get some coffee, and walk our dog, Cozy. And while I’m walking her, I review a couple verses of the Bible in my head that have been big for me the last few years. They put everything in perspective for the day ahead, so I thought I’d share them with you. 


Psalm 23:1 

The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing. 

That’s how world-famous Psalm 23 starts.  

Since most people think of it the King James Version way (“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want”) we may not be used to reading it like this. I certainly wasn’t. But there it is, and for those of us unused to Elizabethan uses of “shall”, it hits much harder: 

I lack nothing. (NIV) 

I have everything I need. (NLT) 

Do I believe that? I have to believe that. 

If the Lord is my shepherd, I already have everything I need.  

If He is your shepherd, so do you.  

Everything you need for the day that faces you? You have it. 


And here’s another one (I do love the King James version of this. It’s pure poetry.) 

Psalm 143:8

Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning 

For in thee do I trust 

Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk 

For I lift up my soul unto thee. 

I’ve never been great at memorizing scripture, but I’m getting better at it, and I’ve got this one down. I even put it to a little tune in my head.  

God’s “lovingkindness” here is His intense, fierce loyalty. I need to hear this again and again. He’s not leaving me, even when, if I were him, I certainly would say, “Okay, Brant, I’m out.”   

So I say this one out loud. I’m asking God to help me hear, again, His loyalty, crystal-clear.  

And if it shows me the way I should walk today?  

Well, then I’m golden. I’m safe.  
These verses remind me who I am, who He is, and that I’m not only on Earth, I’m on solid ground. 

Brant Hansen

Evening Show Host, STAR 101.5


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