One Startling Question from Jesus Can Lead to Lasting Peace and Healing

“Do you WANT to get well?” 

That’s an amazing question. Startling, really. When I first read the story in John 5 as a kid, it didn’t make sense to me. Jesus comes across a guy who hasn’t been able to walk for decades, who’s lying beside a pool that’s supposed to have healing powers, and then this: 

When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6) 

As a kid, I’m thinking, OF COURSE he does. Who wouldn’t? What a question. 

But now, after decades of observing humans, I’m thinking: Wow. Perfect question. Because not everyone wants to be healed. Not all of us want to get better. In fact, I dare say, most of us don’t. 

Physically, sure, most of us want to not be in pain or have a disability. But spiritually, from what I see, most of us would, in fact, rather suffer, and do it our way, than follow God’s way that leads to real peace. It sounds crazy, but it’s how humans often roll. 

Jesus tells us how to live. He’s overt about it in the Sermon on the Mount. Love your enemies; pray for those who persecute you… you can read it for yourself. It’s the way to peace. Jesus way is better. He is the Way, in fact. 

If we want peace, we’ll do it his way. If we don’t do things his way, we would rather have other things besides peace. It really is that simple. 

“Do you want to get well?” Seems like a dumb question.  
But it’s brilliant. It’s THE question. 

Brant Hansen
Evening Show Host, STAR 101.5


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