The Incredible Gift of Dancing Through Life With Jesus

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My family is full of musicians – they sing, play instruments, and harmonize. Whenever my adult kids are home, there is singing throughout the house. It’s one of my favorite sounds.

Dance has always been my preferred art form.

I’ve been known to make my family laugh by breaking out unexpected dance moves at the most random times. The connection between music, dance, and life is one that is very clear to me. Dance is challenging without music.

Ken Gire, the author of one of my favorite books, describes the journey through life with Jesus as a dance:

“I have learned a few things about dancing with Jesus. The most important is this: If we fall in love, our feet will follow. If we draw close to him and stay close, we won’t have to worry about our feet or where he may be leading them. It doesn’t mean we won’t trip over our own feet. It doesn’t mean we won’t bump into other people. What it does mean is that Jesus will be with us through all the complicated steps and the sudden turns, steadying us if we stumble, picking us up if we fall, doing whatever it takes to keep us dancing”

Sometimes the trials and disappointments in life tend to drown out the music. What an incredible gift it is to know that Jesus is and will be with us through the entire journey. I intend to continue dancing, and when I can’t seem to hear the music, I will surrender all the more and dance as God guides me through.

Let’s keep dancing, friends. Let’s commit to following the music wherever it leads.

“The LORD, the King of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm. The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” – Zephaniah 3:15-17

Claudia Guardado-Wittel
Director of Philanthropy & Advancement, STAR 101.5


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