Equal Opportunity Employer
If you are a part of a Community Group that helps people find jobs, we want to know about them, so when a job opening comes up at this station, or any station, we can notify that group, and the Community Group can notify all of its members who would like to know about and apply for jobs in Radio and TV. Please click here to Email Paul Rotella and get on the job opportunity employment listing service. Include your name, mailing address, Email address, telephone number, and contact person, and identify the category or categories of vacancies for which you request notice. This Job Listing Service is a Free Equal Employment Opportunities Outreach program of the New Jersey Broadcasters Association and this station.
Click here for information on openings in the field of broadcasting or communication.
STAR 101.5–WAWZ is an equal opportunity employer.
STAR 101.5 is a radio ministry of Pillar Ministries, a 501(c)(3), non-profit Evangelical Christian organization engaged in the work of domestic and international church planting, education, and media. Occasionally, positions open up within the organization which may be of interest. Pillar Ministries is an equal opportunity employer.