How My Abuelita Taught Me Big Lessons About Faith and Bravery

As the older sister of five, my role was often to watch, guide and care for my younger siblings. One summer day I was out with my younger brother and sister. We were riding our bikes in the neighborhood when mean kids came out of nowhere and began taunting us.

Instead of being brave, I remember being paralyzed by fear. I could barely peddle my bike. Not my proudest moment! I stayed behind while my brother and sister ran back to our home. My siblings told my Abuelita (that’s Spanish for Grandmother) what had happened. By the time I came back home, she was completely informed and was comforting them.

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Me on my bike as a child

We grew up in a city and lived on the first floor of an apartment building. My Abuela would watch us by sitting at the kitchen window. The next day, the bullies made the mistake of returning to our block where we were outside playing. They started picking on us again.

But they didn’t know about our Abuelita!

Within seconds our Abuela—all 100 pounds of her—donned her superhero cape and was outside with a wooden chair lifted up over her head, ready to protect us! She yelled and demanded they leave. They immediately took her up on her suggestion and we never saw them again!

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Abuelita standing behind me at my birthday party.

Margarita was a kind woman and would never have hurt them – but she understood what she was up against. I never realized why I love stories about grandmothers who step in to do what is hard and what is right.

Often we hear of grandmothers who are raising their grandchildren or stepping in to course correct when needed. You can find stories of grandmothers around the world who have done brave things and you may even have some of your own stories (if you do, PLEASE share them below).  

My Abuelita Margarita was a beautiful example of a strong, feisty, loving, fearless and faithful woman. She always prayed for her family and did she ever love and pray for her grandchildren! She was always watching too. She had a way of knowing if we were up to no good. She somehow found a way to stay close and find ways to guide and protect us.

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Abuela meeting my daughter for the first time

Recently, I was struggling to find my voice and was reminded of the shame I felt for not standing up for my younger siblings. I remembered the fear that prevented me from even telling the bullies to leave us alone. Then, I remembered the courage my tiny Abuelita had in standing up for us.

I don’t always get it right, but I am learning to fear God and not man. That makes me braver. Fearing God means that my desire is to please him more than any person in this world. To share what He has taught me whether or not it is popular or easy.

God graciously reminded me of this scripture:

“I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:3-7

I had never noticed the part of the scripture that mentions “grandmother Lois” – ha! I hope in your life you have been blessed with an Abuelita who has left a legacy of faith and courage for you.

Remember (grandfathers too!) that even if you didn’t have that example, you can still be that for those in your life. What a gift God gives us every day. We get to watch and pray for those in our lives. We get to pray that they would have the courage to accomplish the mission God has for their lives. That they would live and love like Jesus did.

Lord, would you use us to pray faithfully for those you have entrusted to us? Would you bring people to mind that we can pray for? Would you give them courage to live on mission and represent you well in this world that is desperate for men and women who reflect your heart.

May our prayers be an encouragement and inspiration to the generation that follows us as we keep our eyes focused on Jesus.

Claudia Guardado Wittel
Director of Philanthropy & Advancement, STAR 101.5


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